Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Great Cakes Soap Challenge (June Sculpted Layers)

Okay my first attempt was inspired by this pic below
That was a screen shot of it.
It failed terribly.
See soap looked like a cat in this one photo

My second and last try was inspired by this pic below
For both I had used the recipe
Palm oil, coconut oil, lard, olive oil and castor. Did the cpop method.
Bought the Matt's that Claudia suggested.
They were very flimsy for the first one
The second one I doubled it and had card stock in between them with tape because my stapler is a mini.
Here are some pics that I was able to take of them and the process.

Three cut out layers. 1st is the moon in white. 2nd is kitty in black, 3rd is branch in brown.

My colours were TD for the white of the moon. Activated Charcoal with some black oxide for the black kitty. Midnight blue for the sky, Sexy stranger Brown mixed with Olaive Martini green to make a lighter brown branch

These took me days chopping and shredding through a strainer to get small enough white pieces to look like stars. I also added some galactic glitter to it

My hands were covered in soap so I wasn't able to take a pic of my moon but you can see how much white was pulled out my looking at the other mold
Then you see/where I dragged the kitty through. I was getting nervous because my soap was thickening up before I could even put the colour and FO in it

Again I forgot to take a pic of the kitty filled in with black.
I poured the brown on top and ran my branch  card through and realized I had made a mistake. I should have run the card then poured. So I coveted it and made a half # of soap and just dumped some brown in it.

That's it above, yes I was shaking. I got it in the oven at noon at 160* for 2 hours then shut it off. Let it/sit there till 7 and it just plopped out of the mold.

Finishing pics below

Below is the kitty on a branch looking at a wonky-ass moon 😊

Scented with Vetiver Type from BB
Thank you Amy and Claudia for the challenge. I think I will do it again with a much more simpler design,
I always over reach....